Coming Alongside …

Acknowledging the need for help is not a character flaw. Every one runs into snags in life. But recognising the need for help and then seeking that appropriate help is the start of the process to helping yourself.

Kyrios Nouthetics

“How are we doing in our marriage?”

“How are we doing as a family?”

“How am I doing in my life as a son or daughter to my parents, as a husband or wife in my marriage or as a father or mother to my children?”

“How am I doing in my career as a professional, a manager, an executive or an employee?”

These are questions, arising from our many roles in life, which we might ask ourselves occasionally.

Life can be challenging. At different stages of our lives, we are faced with a myriad of life issues. Sometimes, these issues might be more than we can handle ourselves. At such times, we could do with some “hand-holding” to tide us through.

Acknowledging the need for help is not a character flaw. Every one runs into snags in life. But recognising the need for help and then seeking that appropriate help is the start of the process to helping yourself. 

You do not have to face those snags alone. I hope to be of good help to you as I come alongside and journey with you through this challenging phase of your life.